Duminica , 31 August , 3 pm
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societatii Romanca are placerea sa va invite la a saptea intrunire – cenaclu . De data aceasta onoram Marea.
Va asteptam sa veniti cu lucrari proprii sau ale autorilor preferati.
Intalnirea va fi, ca in fiecare luna, in placuta ambianta a cafenelei Smart Cafe, 309 North End Road , W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton, Londra.
Intrarea este gratuita si va rugam sa transmiteti invitatia tuturor celor interesati.
Va asteptam cu drag.
Ionela Flood
075 15 25 35 84
The Literary Club Romanca
The Sea
Sunday, 31 August, 3 pm
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to the seventh meeting. This time we will be celebrating the Sea.
The meeting will take place again in the cosy and welcoming environment of Smart Coffee, 309 North End Road, W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton.
You are welcome to bring your own poems or from favourite authors.
The event is free and open to all and please forward this to anyone interested.
See you there!
Ionela Flood
075 15 25 35 84
Clubul Literar
27 Iulie, 5 pm
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societatii Romanca are placerea sa va invite la a sasea intrunire – cenaclu. De data aceasta sarbatorim Recolta si frumusetea verii. Speram ca fiecare sa aduca un produs de patiserie / paine sau ceva recoltat anul acesta.
Intalnirea va fi, ca in fiecare luna, in placuta ambianta a cafenelei Smart Cafe, 309 North End Road , W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton, Londra.
Va invitam sa aduceti si sa propuneti spre citire poezii scrise de dvs. cu si despre vara si recolta. Intrarea este gratuita si va rugam sa transmiteti invitatia tuturor celor interesati.
Va asteptam cu drag.
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
The Literary Club
27th July, 5 pm
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to our sixth meeting. This time we will be celebrating the Harvest and all Summer’s beauty. We hope that each of you will bring a pastry/bread product, or anything that was harvested this year.
The meeting will take place again in the cosy and welcoming environment of Smart Coffee, 309 North End Road, W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton.
You are welcome to bring your own poems about summer and harvest. The event is free and open to all and please forward this to anyone interested.
See you there!
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
Sanzienele si Dragaica
Clubul Literar
28 Iunie, 5 pm
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societatii Romanca are placerea sa va invite la a cincea intrunire – cenaclu. De data aceasta sarbatorim Sanzienele si Dragaica. Speram ca fiecare sa aduca o floare si impreuna sa impletim o coronita de Sanziene.
Intalnirea va fi, ca in fiecare luna, in placuta ambianta a cafenelei Smart Cafe, 309 North End Road , W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton, Londra.
Va invitam sa aduceti si sa propuneti spre citire poezii scrise de dvs. cu si despre zane. Intrarea este gratuita si va rugam sa transmiteti invitatia tuturor celor interesati.
Va asteptam cu drag.
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
Fairies’ Day (Sanziene and Dragaica)
The Literary Club
28th June, 5 pm
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to our fifth meeting. This time we will be celebrating the Fairy’s Day (Sanzienele and Dragaica). We hope that each of you will bring a flower and we will make a wreath for good luck together. We will also discover connected customs, their origins and significations.
The meeting will take place again in the cosy and welcoming environment of Smart Coffee, 309 North End Road, W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton.
You are welcome to bring your own about fairies, spells, metaphysical and popular beliefs / traditions. The event is free and open to all and please forward this to anyone interested.
See you there!
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
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